(zerop *brain*)

📅 2025-01-29 @ 11:46
XML standards are neat little envelopes you fill with your propriatory assumptions for the interoperability masquerade.

📅 2025-01-29 @ 09:46
Good advertising is just the successful creation of an association between what you lust and can't have with what is readily available.

📅 2025-01-29 @ 09:35
Somewhere past fourty you start asking yourself if there is more to life than just work and coffee.

📅 2025-01-29 @ 09:33
Some errors are so good you just have to repeat them.

📅 2025-01-28 @ 21:10
Dropshipping, noun, the online procurement of goods of such low quality that they resemble droppings.

📅 2025-01-28 @ 09:08
Workout soreness is just very vivid muscle memories.

📅 2025-01-28 @ 08:54
Moving back the deadline is a great idea, this way we can shoot through it sooner.

📅 2025-01-26 @ 17:03
I want a EU travel ban for Musk an his ilk implemented yesterday!

📅 2025-01-21 @ 22:55
Some people aren't responsible enough to bear arms, they probably should schedule an amputation.

📅 2024-12-30 @ 22:48
As far as I'm concerned Elon Musk can take his money and shove it until he explodes.

📅 2024-12-18 @ 15:56
Apparently in some nightmares when you ask to see the manager, the manager turns out to be a human sized mole.

📅 2024-12-17 @ 21:10
Apparently the president elect is borderline insane, he needs his meds and a world atlas.

📅 2024-12-16 @ 20:01
To live life to its fullest extent sounds both dangerous and amoral to me.

📅 2024-12-16 @ 19:59
Sometimes parenting takes the form of negotiating with terrorists.

📅 2024-12-16 @ 19:50
If you take several pain killers in a row, does that make them serial pain killers?

📅 2024-12-10 @ 20:16
What happened to Syria is a sad story.

📅 2024-12-10 @ 20:14
It's easy to believe dogs to be smart because they never prove this thesis wrong by voicing their thoughts.

📅 2024-11-27 @ 09:52
For a dog owner there is only two kinds of days; those when it rains and those when it doesn't.

📅 2024-11-18 @ 14:23
Journalists keep reiterating the totally unfounded idea that Elon Musk is of above average mental capacity when every available evidence points to the opposite conclusion, do they not understand how this reflect on themselves?

📅 2024-11-15 @ 17:31
A dog is a gift to anyone wanting to learn how to live in the present.

📅 2024-11-15 @ 17:28
The social contract needs to be rebuilt from the ground up on the foundation on logic and humanism and no one is going to do it for us.

📅 2024-11-15 @ 13:28
If world war three goes well nobody might even show up for world war four.

📅 2024-11-15 @ 13:21
Trying to tap into the news feels like putting your head into a bee hive.

📅 2024-11-13 @ 09:45
According to my news sources the leader of the free world is going to be Beavis and Butthead.

📅 2024-11-06 @ 12:11
Enjoy your shit sandwich americans!

📅 2024-10-22 @ 18:56
Attempting to delegate work will only leave you inheriting someone elses mess.

📅 2024-10-16 @ 08:26
With enough work anything is possible, but this is also true with sufficiently lowered expectations.

📅 2024-10-12 @ 11:53
Sometimes it's hard to know if you really miss a decade itself or who you used to be back then.

📅 2024-10-09 @ 13:37
Solve a captcha to be allowed to login to a paid service, are you fucking kidding me?

📅 2024-10-08 @ 09:37
If your software project is not a mess it only means its not yet ripe, give it time.