Attain knowledge to level up only to end up spawning more
idiots all around you, such is life.
Death and taxes has a nice ring to it until you realise
that taxes don't apply to the rich and they're still
working on the immortality bit.
Some people compare software development to legos, what
they don't often say is that the pieces are more often than
not of the wrong shape or colour for the task you're trying
to accomplish.
Relative and absolute arguments are incompatible, there is
no way to bridge them and preserve a coherent discussion.
My boss and co-workers were so preoccupied with whether
they should that they never stopped to wonder if they
actually could.
The mental picture of Putin wearing a diaper and playing
with red crayons on the floor.
There is a certain elegance to these solutions that never
would have been if not for piecemeal system growth. I can
appreciate their ludicrous complexity in the abstract.
I have a feeling this one trick pony is done carrying this
poor excuse for a human being back to the white house.
I'm a collector of hobbies, I really ought to focus my
attention but somebody has to specialise in generalism.
We all do what we must to distract ourselves from the fact
that we are no longer young.
Some obsessions just feel pretty good.
The simpler my pleasures the greater my wealth.
Taking the compulsive compliance asserting course at work
is just me trying to click buttons in shortest amount of
time possible.
My lawnmower knows no boundaries, it's a free spirit.
Employee recognition schemes are truely awful for anyone
not getting recognized, I would think they are on the whole
net negative.
The people who will criticise you for putting cream in your
carbonara don't even know to use curry in their bolognese!
Scoop: I love chicken soup.
I don't believe I have ever regretted not joining a
customer club.
Google Family Link is so bad I can only assume malice at
this point.
Specs is always the worst part of any project and mocks and
stubs are the worst parts of any spec.
Effective project leaders are much like yetis, you can make
what you want out of that.
I wonder if people being full of themselves is something
that is contagious and just has infected everyone or just
the natural order of things.
Parenting would be far easier had not so many parents
already left walk over from the very beginning.
Life is only deemed precious in times when doing so is
considered affordable.
The promise of a rainy day is to do pretty much nothing
without feeling too bad about it.
The people who are prone to radicalism are by nature not
interested in finding non-violent solutions, the violence
is already the end goal.
Justice is certainly not a given, but it is a comfort
knowing every bloody asshole of this world is going down
one way or another given enough time.
Banks offering a service that requires the adults to
accompany a minor during the banks office hours that just
happen to coincide with school and normal peoples work
Urges are deep sea creatures, perpetually biding their time
below, waiting for the most opportune moment to drag you
Hangry already in anticipation of returning to my diet.