(zerop *brain*)

📅 2024-06-28 @ 11:06
Welcome to media without the social!

📅 2024-06-12 @ 21:22
Finally got around to implement per tag thoughts slowing down the build five fold only to speed it up five times again by utilising all cores.

📅 2024-06-06 @ 17:01
Listening to 99 Luftballons thinking about how to commemorate my 100th thought!

📅 2024-05-29 @ 16:27
I believe I have now pulled off both accessibility and legacy browser support for this site!

📅 2024-05-24 @ 22:16
Hacking on my thought collection page from within termux on my phone, yes I'm that much of a nerd!

📅 2024-05-15 @ 08:08
Reversing the output of a stream by piping it to tac is such a UNIX thing to do.

📅 2024-05-13 @ 20:56
As I'm doing floating point calculations in BASH I realize how poor a general purpose language it really is. It's like something from bc.

📅 2024-05-12 @ 15:43
This site is a self study in KISS, using recutils and a 37 lines long bash script.

📅 2024-05-11 @ 08:11
Life expectancy times days per year times profound thoughts a day yields: 81.6 * 365 * 3 or about 89k thoughts.