A dog doesn't care that your back aches like hell, it wants
to dog damn play!
Other peoples code always suck, I don't even know who I was
all those years ago.
Life starts with a shebang #!
Reversing the output of a stream by piping it to tac is
such a UNIX thing to do.
Garden work is oddly satisfying, it's beginning to grow on
As I'm doing floating point calculations in BASH I realize
how poor a general purpose language it really is. It's like
something from bc.
If its true that history is a repeating cycle someone ought
to really shove a stick into the wheel.
If we are destined to correct the output of AI we are
destined to become the machine.
Instead of ending white male privilege we should expand it
to all colors and genders!
Recipes are the gospel of cooking, promises abound.
This site is a self study in KISS, using recutils and a 37
lines long bash script.
Religion preys on logical thought
Life expectancy times days per year times profound thoughts
a day yields: 81.6 * 365 * 3 or about 89k thoughts.
I have been reduced to a failed minimalist
Urgent Service Announcement: Spotify sucks!
The simpler the better...