(zerop *brain*)

📅 2024-06-04 @ 11:55
Tolerance is a labyrinth with many dead ends.

📅 2024-06-04 @ 11:36
As long as we are banning the hijab, can we do the wimple next and what about socks and sandals?

📅 2024-06-04 @ 10:49
I might be paranoid but why is the spotify pause button so slow to register during commercials?

📅 2024-06-04 @ 10:24

📅 2024-06-03 @ 23:12
Emacs in your pocket - after all isn't this what mankind was always set out to accomplish?

📅 2024-06-03 @ 23:06
Absolutely amazing how many websites are still perfectly navigable using text only browsers.

📅 2024-06-03 @ 14:28
I'm supermotivated, just in the opposite direction that's all!

📅 2024-06-03 @ 14:19
If there are any Gods they are blissfully unaware of us, much like my boss at work.

📅 2024-06-03 @ 14:16
Life without chillies is simply no life at all.

📅 2024-06-03 @ 09:56
Looking at the bell curve and the lorenz curve I sense something has gone awry.

📅 2024-06-02 @ 20:06
Why is it called moving house when the house stays put?

📅 2024-06-02 @ 20:04
Every day I don't read the news I feel my spirit rising.

📅 2024-06-02 @ 16:01
GLADHD - the diagnose we all really need!

📅 2024-06-01 @ 18:54
Priesthood - the middle management of organized religion, just think about it!

📅 2024-06-01 @ 15:29
Boredom is the garden of creativity.

📅 2024-06-01 @ 08:27
The market value of human life fluctuates wildly, still I would invest!

📅 2024-05-31 @ 23:18
My wife is having none of it - she's having a period, PERIOD!

📅 2024-05-31 @ 14:58
Have we verified that randomness is not just the observations of prime numbers making out?

📅 2024-05-31 @ 13:04
You're never poor only ever temporarily without money!

📅 2024-05-31 @ 13:03
I can live on breakfast alone as long as I can have it three times per day.

📅 2024-05-31 @ 09:54
Influencer? Oh you mean mindless greedy marketing whore, got it!

📅 2024-05-31 @ 09:01
Podcast commercials are the worst, can we please stop with them? kthxbye.

📅 2024-05-30 @ 22:43
I'm editing html code on my phone with onscreen keyboard in emacs running in termux utilizing web-mode and enjoying it!

📅 2024-05-30 @ 18:47
That one colleague that always agrees with everything you say but end up doing the opposite every time.

📅 2024-05-30 @ 07:30
Behind every care free child is a hard working parent handling everything for them.

📅 2024-05-29 @ 16:27
I believe I have now pulled off both accessibility and legacy browser support for this site!

📅 2024-05-29 @ 13:52
Software development is gardening, weeds once introduced will spread mercilessly.

📅 2024-05-29 @ 13:36
Future requirements are always going to be incompatible with the design no matter what.

📅 2024-05-28 @ 12:54
I teach my dog tricks and my dog teaches me patience.

📅 2024-05-28 @ 12:53
Humanity is a victim of its own success.